
Deviate Highlander II

Have you been looking into the Deviate Highlander II and are wanting to find out a bit more? look no further than this summery!

This is the Highlander II - an all-carbon, all-conquering trail bike, freshly reconfigured for 2023 A bike for bike park laps, all day rides, messing about in the woods and everything in between. A bike for reaching the highest, most remote peaks, before screaming down the other side. If the Claymore is a huge broadsword, then the Highlander II is a rapier – lighter, perhaps; more agile – but just as deadly in the right hands. Deviate only design high pivot point bikes and have been doing so since 2016. The key feature of a high pivot suspension system, is its unique ability - thanks to the rearward axle path - to smooth out the nastiest of trails, and to stabilise the bike when it’s deep in the suspension stroke. Deviate is based in the Highlands of Scotland and although they test the bikes all over the world, as the saying goes “if it works in Scotland, it works anywhere.”



• 145mm travel bike
• High pivot point suspension
• 18t chain idler - completely silent
with twin outboard fully sealed
bearings with grease injection ports
• 126 link chain - commonly available
with no need to join chains
• High quality bearings and wiper
seals throughout
• Grease ports - fitted to all pivot
and idler bearings in the name
of riding all winter
• Hidden yet accessible cable
channel - clean lines and easy
• Frame protection - bolt-on carbon
downtube protector; bonded
rubber chainstay protector
• Water bottle compatible and
three accessory mounting points
• Available in Atlantic Blue and Islay Sand